1 Year Anniversary of Quarantine

Over a year ago on March 15, 2020 the US announced that all schools would quarantine for 2 weeks. Following the 2 weeks they extended the quarantine until May 1st, and later made the decision to go fully virtual for the rest of the school year. This quarantine had a huge impact on students. It was the first time students had experienced a Pandemic resulting in virtual learning (E-Learning). A student at Travelers Rest High School said “E-Learning was difficult and very stressful. I feel like I didn’t learn anything for the last 2 months” referring to virtual learning. During the 2 month quarantine students grades either drastically improved or dropped. Teachers graded off of participation rather than accuracy. Being at home made it hard for some students to find the self motivation to do their work. Resulting in poor grades. Quarantine most definitely had a huge impact on students’ education but it also had impacts on them socially. It can be argued that not being in school and interacting with their friends affected them negatively. However not being allowed to leave the house opened up more time for family and self improvement. Another high school student attending TRHS said “Quarantine allowed me to focus on myself, rather than being stressed out all the time. It also gave me some of the best memories that I will always cherish.” It’s hard to believe that this was over a year ago. It is almost like the world was put on pause. To this day effects of Covid-19 are still present. Students are required to wear masks in school and Plexiglass has been installed. It is safe to say that Covid-19 has and will always have a major impact on the students of this generation.