A Victim of His “Own Success”

Andrew Tate has recently grown a huge fan base amongst men. Men of all ages have started watching his videos and taking his advice. He has been around for a while, but his videos just started surfacing the internet and gaining attention. People tend to say that he “has a point.” He talks with confidence and arrogance which helps his self-image on the internet. This makes him seem “more believable” to his followers. If one were to ask a female how she feels about Andrew Tate, she more than likely would not speak as highly of him as most men would. This is due to the fact that he is very misogynistic and thinks less of women. In one of his videos, he says “A man can have 10 women but a woman should only have 1 man.” This shows just one of his ideas on how women and men are not equal. It also shows that, in a man’s eyes, he deserves more than a woman. With that being said, as of recently, he has lost multiple social media platforms. Which causes some to say that his first amendment right of free speech of his opinions is being violated. TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook all have removed his content from their platforms because they believe this misogyny is a hateful ideology and they will not tolerate it. Since losing his social media platforms, his “hype” has decreased, but not completely lost. Many lost boys still tend to follow him and agree that “real men” should be brought back.