Just Keep Swimming

The third season of TRHS swim team is upon us, and the squad has made some serious changes. Such changes include multiple personal records, more best times, and almost doubling the overall size of the team to 30 swimmers. In 2016, the first year of Devildog swim, the team had few members and were building a foundation for the future. Last year they developed a competitive spirit and a solid team. Now this year, in a sense, they are bringing it all together.
Sophomore swimmer Emily Lang explained, “Many of us have made major improvements in our own way, which affects our success as a team.” This is evident in that they won their meet on the 20th at Sugar Creek community pool, where they competed against Greer, Southside Christian, and Shannon Forest. In light of this meet, they have found that the girls relay is two seconds away from state time.
Another aspect of the team is that they are very young. With more underclassmen than upperclassmen, the team as a whole must consider the future. Senior swimmer Gantt Conner stated, “We’ve only had a swim team at TR for three years, so it is still pretty new. We have a lot of middle schoolers and underclassmen who, if they stick with it and work hard, could definitely do big things in the future.” As far as the future goes, TRHS swim continues to dedicate themselves to progress and preparing for what is ahead.