Justice is Served
Henry Cavill as Superman, Ben Affleck as Batman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Ezra Miller as The Flash, Ray Fisher as Cyborg, and Jason Momoa as Aquaman
The iconic comic book team is delivered from the pages to the silver screen in Zack Snyder and Joss Whedon’s Justice League. Justice League follows Batman, played by Ben Affleck, and Wonder Woman, played by Gal Gadot, as they put together a team to stop the evil Steppenwolf, played by Ciaran Hinds. The movie pulls off an enjoyable film with great acting and many action sequences, but delivers a bland story with a terrible villain and questionable graphics.
The story overall is choppy and underdeveloped. There were parts of the movie where scenes were noticeably cut for time and left the audience with little information. Although the first part of the movie is good at setting up the individual protagonists and their storylines, it would’ve better if individual movies had set up the team-up movie.
As for acting, Ben Affleck’s Batman is one of the best as he brings the brutal vigilante from the pages to the screen perfectly. Gal Gadot brings back the fierce Amazonian that audiences love and continues her tenacious depiction of Wonder Woman. With Henry Cavill’s Superman, it feels like the hope that Superman stands for is finally shown as he plays the Kryptonian with great charisma. Jason Momoa changes the way audiences see Aquaman, making him the cool guy of the team, rather than the previously regarded lame superhero. Ezra Miller’s Flash serves as the comical rookie of the team and Miller distinguishes his Flash from Grant Gustin’s portrayal in the CW show. Ray Fisher’s Cyborg is the tech genius of the team, showcasing a half-robot, half-human mindset perfectly.
Despite many production issues and a change in directors, Justice League delivers an entertaining film that audiences will enjoy. Though the plot isn’t great and it critically does not do the story justice, hopefully the Justice League sticks around long enough to see the team face their biggest foe, Darkseid. Justice League is rated PG-13 for sequences of intense sci-fi violence and profanity.