Powell Prepares for the Next Journey

Powell’s in the TRHS Miss TR Pageant
There is a rare type of person in this world who has the ability to give 100% in everything that person does, while still being successful at it. And that is certainly the case with senior, Bella Powell. Powell has participated in almost everything Travelers Rest High School has to offer. As far as clubs go, she has been a member of Beta Club, National Honors Society, has been the senior class President Student Council, and Editor-in-Chief for The Blue and Gold. Powell also took advantage of the opportunity to take early college courses such as Psychology 101, Sociology 101, English 101 and 102. She also participated in Teacher Cadet and achieved the first-ever 100 in Sociology 101 at TRHS.
Not only has she achieved so much academically, but she’s also performed exceptionally with athletics. Powell played varsity tennis for four years, earning All-Region both her junior and senior year, while being co-captain. Powell ended her senior-year season with a 6-1 region record and an 11-4 overall record.
Interestingly enough, Powell was home schooled from K4 to 8th grade. As a freshman without any public school experience, entering high school was nothing less than a culture shock. “At times it varied because I was so involved in sports and athletics prior with public school kids,” Powell said. “However, in the halls and the lunch room with fights and kids yelling terrible things,” Powell continues, “[that] was very different.“
Powell plans to study pre-professional health or psychology at either Furman or the Bridge to Clemson. Powell believes that no matter where she goes, “I think I will do well. I will enjoy having to be independent but I know I’ll miss being at home. Overall, I’m really excited for the experience.”
Wherever she is guided, Powell will surely continue to make a difference as both a student and a leader all around us.