Senior night honors fall athletes
Alivia Waynick, BethAnn Townsend, and Charissa Gillespie
On Friday, October 28th, the last football game of the season rolled around at Travelers Rest High School. The school’s Senior Night took place before the game to recognize the senior fall sport athletes and give them their medals for their accomplishments. The list of fall sports recognized were cheerleading, golf, cross country, marching band, chorus, football, and tennis. With their escorts leading them down the field, the seniors’ athletic season was over.
Many details went into making sure this night did a great job of honoring the soon-to-be graduates, from the little yellow roses to the numerous amounts of pictures taken. Travelers Rest’s Booster Club sponsored the event where they made sure the seniors got the night they deserved. The Booster Club was in charge of recognizing the seniors, getting all props, photographers, and senior introductions in order. The athletic department contacts coaches halfway through the season to get the seniors’ names, athletic team, and favorite memory from the season. Parents like Cindy Cline, mother of sophomore Graham Cline, gratefully helped out with the night, making sure everyone was in the right place at the right time.
As the coaches of each sport graciously gave the athletes their deserving medals, all the seniors’ hard work was put to rest. Senior cross country runner, Elijah Johnson says, “It just hits you that your high school experience is almost over.” Whether they are going to a college, playing the sport they love, going to serve our country, or even taking a gap year, these seniors will not be here for that much longer. Tonya Dodd, mother of football player Alex Dodd, says “You’re watching your kids grow up, and even though they’re moving on with their life, it’s bittersweet to see.” So while Senior Night showcased and honored the athletes’ last touchdown, birdie, or race, the memories and accomplishments of the class of 2017 will always be remembered.