Cross Powell has been on Newspaper staff for three years, as a Staff Writer for his first year and sports editor for the next two. Powell first joined Newspaper due to his interest in writing and the friends that were in the class. His favorite memory over his three years was writing and spending time with his sister, Bella Powell, and overall just spending time with the amazing Newspaper staff over the years.
Addie Townsend has also been on Newspaper staff for three years. Now Co-Editor-in-chief, Townsend first joined Newspaper due to an interest in photography, and an opportunity to meet new people. Townsend’s favorite moment was taking pictures for football games.
Mel Norton has been on Newspaper staff for two years, and joined due to an interest and writing and the friends that were in the class. Norton’s overall favorite moment was the opportunity to restart the Devildog Sports Network after its years of being dormant.
Sophie Nauta has been on Newspaper staff for the past two years. Now Co-Editor-in-Chief, Nauta first joined Newspaper with curiosity, but had friends in the class. Her favorite moment was being able to talk to people she normally wouldn’t have.
This is Kat Abelman’s first year on Newspaper staff and joined as she wanted to pursue photography. Her favorite moment was taking pictures at the peach bowl alongside Carter Vickers.
Carter Vickers has been on Newspaper staff for two years as Staff Writer and the Devildog Sports Network Manager. Vicker’s favorite moment was doing his first Devildog Sports Network Broadcast.
Josh Kemp has been on Newspaper staff for two years, working as a Staff Writer and Perspectives Editor. Kemp joined due to a love of writing and had many friends in the class. His favorite moment was when past senior Shaun Forrester spoke into a bucket.
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