TR Swim Team Diving Into Second Season
Travelers Rest swim team after their first meet
The Devildog swim team is splashing into their new season. The previous season’s team competed with only nine teammates; however, with 22 swimmers, the team is already well on their way. With their first meet at Westside, the team had some ups and downs in terms of times. “In our first meet we struggled a little bit,” junior Mac Reaney says. “But since then, we have improved a lot.” After their second meet at Eastside high school, the team is much more confident in their ability to grow throughout the season.
Emma Davis, a senior and two-year member of the team, says, “Not only do numbers help us score at meets but it gives the returning swimmers the opportunity to be leaders and help the rookies, plus it’s just more fun.” The first-year swimmers are also excited about the season ahead. With so many added teammates, TR is looking at some competition. Junior, Hayden Barrett says, “We need more people in order to win a meet, but [we] have a lot of really great individuals who have a chance of going very far, possibly state.” This shows a lot of promise for the school and the new team.
The team is always looking for new members to join as well. If you are interested in becoming a new member on the team next season, contact Coach Green, a teacher at Northwest Middle School at [email protected].