TR takes on Big Sibling Attitude

Big Brother Big Sister Logo
Spirit week begins tonight on March 22 and everyone is ready for the food, hat passes, buyouts, and the chance to jail your teachers. But it isn’t until tomorrow, Friday, March 30 during the pep rally that we focus on where our money is going. This year our charity is Big Brother Big Sister of the Upstate.
Big Brother Big Sister is a very worthy choice for TRHS this year. They have a direct impact on our local community by helping kids achieve their full potential through a one-on-one mentoring program. Studies have shown that this program helps increase confidence in school and even decrease the risk of drug use. Big Brother Big Sister works directly with Greenville County School system in TR, operating with both Heritage and Gateway Elementary. So while you are buying hat passes and Chick-Fil-A, try to remember that you are doing it for our community and not just because spirit week is fun.

current senior class showing school spirit
As our community embraces a worthy cause, students have a chance to join in and help. “They were chosen because they have that TR connection,” said the student council adviser, Mr. Nolan. He was referencing the fact that the Chief Executive Officer at Big Brother Big Sister, Lamont Sullivan, is a TRHS alumni and is in the TRHS Hall of Fame. This organization has been in the running to be our school’s charity for the past two years, and after some consideration they have been chosen this year. This spirit week should be a great success.