TRHS’ Symphonic Band and Choir Celebrate Veterans Day
TRHS Symphonic Band and Choir
On Nov. 9, the Travelers Rest High School Symphonic Band and Choir celebrated Veterans Day in style. Band director, Carl Wylie, and choir director, Peter Simms, brought the two programs together to create a concert to remember. The event was put on very professionally and had a variety of styles of music. There was everything from patriotic tributes to gospel music- which definitely found a way to keep the audience’s attention.
The band played completely in sync and sounded great in the process. As a member of the audience, you would think you were listening to a movie soundtrack-which is a great example of just how attuned everyone was with their instruments and with one another.
As for the choir, they showed just how much hard work they put in to prepare for this. When asked about the preparation, Drew Harshbarger, senior and member of the Varsity choir, said, “We practiced for many hours during class to attempt to perfect each piece so that we could honor our veterans the best way we knew how.” It is also important to note that the concert choir performed exceptionally, even though they were lacking members due to illness. Yet, they could not have performed without Tim Brezeale, who accompanied the choir on the keyboard.
At the end of the concert, veterans were asked to rise during the playing of their military branch’s theme song, “Armed Services Medley,” so they could be recognized. We at The Blue and Gold also want to thank all veterans for your service!