Juul’s Not Cuul


Teenagers become addicted to Juul (cr. Getty Images)

Across America, vaping or Juuling has been a trend for years. Several teens claimed that it was not harmful because it is not a cigarette- but this is not the case. As many online ads against the practice proclaim, “nobody knows the long term effects of Juuling.” That fact in itself should be terrifying to teens and parents alike, because now these teenage users are not only taking a risk; they are taking a risk that with consequences that are not even calculated. Some of these effects are beginning to make themselves known. Scholars at the Stanford School of Medicine released studies showing that the liquid in Juul and other e-cigarettes increased a person’s risk of heart disease.  According to Amanda Capritto from C Net, “When researchers exposed these cells to e-liquids, they began to show signs of dysfunction and disrepair, including DNA damage and cellular death.” But the list of possible health effects go on, including many risks that are not confirmed yet but seem to be making repeated appearances in research: higher risks of stroke, coronary artery disease, and even lung cancer.

According to one author at MarketWatch, “E-cigarettes have outpaced cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana in usage among teens.” This fact is made even more shocking with the realization that these other substances have been studied for decades, while e-cigarettes have only been studied for a few years. With all these risks and several more that have yet to be discovered, it is clear that steps need to be taken to reverse the Juul addiction that is plaguing teens across the nation.