Olivia Ableman: Senior Spotlight

Olivia Ableman is one of Travelers Rests’ senior members and editors of the Blue and Gold Newspaper. Olivia will be graduating with honors, and will be continuing her education at University of South Carolina -Beaufort, majoring in Public Health. Olivia was asked a few questions to reflect on her favorite parts of high school, advice to incoming freshmen, and her accomplishments here at Travelers Rest High School.

Olivia is involved in many extracurricular activities such Band, Theatre, Golden Regiment,Teacher Cadet, National Honor Society, and Spanish Honor Society. She had a stunning role in this year’s spring musical, The Little Mermaid, where she played Flounder. When asked for any advice she’d give to incoming freshmen, Olivia states “Don’t be dumb and act responsibly.” Olivia took most favor in all of her AP classes. She loves the AP community and finds comfort in the fact that “ all are working hard to survive a hard curriculum”. 

During her time at TR, Olivia has had many teachers to make an impact on her future, but the teacher she says had the most significant impact on her journey to graduation is Mrs. Batson, her AP calculus teacher. encourages all her students to achieve great things and see their full potential in life. Lastly we asked Olivia to reflect  and give advice to her freshman self. “Focus on what will matter most in the long run.” We’d like to thank Olivia for all the time and effort she has given to the TRHS Blue and Gold Newspaper .We are wishing  the best of luck in everything she chooses to do in the future and life ahead.