Crazy things of 2016


Toby Morris

2016 on fire

From crazy clowns and a gorilla getting killed at the Cincinnati zoo, to a cursed baseball team winning their first world series in 108 years, 2016 did not disappoint not one bit. At the end of every year, many people say “this year will be my year.” But it seemed like for 2016, the year proved to get weirder just when you didn’t think it could. 

First off in the sports world, we have three words: 3-1 lead. In June, the Golden State Warriors got a 3-1 lead over the Cleveland Cavaliers. This means the Cavs had to win three games straight, without letting the Warriors win one more. Somehow, the Cavs accomplished this and won the NBA Finals. If that wasn’t enough, later in the year the Cleveland Indians had a 3-1 lead over the Chicago Cubs in the World Series. The Cubs then proceeded to come back and win the World Series- for the first time in 108 years. The Cubs broke their 108 year curse with great fashion.

May 28th will always be remembered for the day of Harambe’s, the gorilla, death. At the Cincinnati Zoo, a child fell into Harambe’s enclosure. They had to shoot the gorilla to get the child out safely. The internet exploded; all you saw on social media was Harambe memes. After a while it died down and people slowly forgot about the incident, that is until he got 14,000 votes  in the presidential election. Not only did people vote for a gorilla, but also a dead one.

While on the topic of the election, no one can forget the craziness that happened. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump went down to the last second. With false media, wikileaks, videos of Trump saying questionable things, it was honestly more a reality TV show than a presidential race. People were saying they would leave the country if the candidate they didn’t want to win was elected. Which in the end resulted in a lot of rioting. 

Right here in Greenville, South Carolina is where crazy clowns, something you would see in a movie maybe, were spotted in people’s yards and in the street. Videos soared across the internet with people having to run from clowns that were trying to chase people down. 

2016 will be, by no doubt, a year we talk about well into the future. Hopefully 2017  will have better things in store for us; maybe we won’t have to be stressed about crazy clowns and 3-1 leads. Hopefully everyone in the streets protesting finds peace, and we can all come together and enjoy the great things to come.