October Staff Picks

Welcome to Night Vale

Cecil Palmer performs live at the Majestic Theatre.

As the days grow shorter, the nights seem to grow longer. However, the moon is beautiful, and mysterious lights pass overhead while we all pretend to sleep. Welcome to Night Vale.

“Welcome to Night Vale” is a popular, bi-monthly podcast mimicking community updates for the strange desert town of Night Vale. Its quirky, eerie, yet highly amusing style takes in stride the opening of portals, the appearance of hooded figures in the dog park, or new classifications of Boy Scouts. The recordings balance dark humor with fascinating fiction and truths about life, a perfect combination for this Halloween. “Turn on your radio and hide,” they say.

The Graveyard Book

Art by Viking Heart on DeviantArt.
Art by Viking Heart on DeviantArt.

The Graveyard Book is a children’s fantasy novel by author Neil Gaiman, featuring supernatural elements and endearing characters to weave together a fantastic story. It follows the life of “Bod” Nobody Owens as he grows up in a graveyard among ghosts and otherworldly creatures. The plot is easy to follow yet captivating nonetheless, leaving the reader touched by the characters’ lives–or lack thereof.